About Us

Inspired by a mutual desire to normalise difficult conversations around endings and death and to modernise and simplify end of life planning, fin was founded by Katie Rose Whiting and Emma Clare in collaboration with End of Life Doula UK. 

With joint experience of working in hospices, care homes and with private clients at end of life, they see how creating space for curiosity, education and planning can empower and give peace of mind to a person and their loved ones at any stage of life and can make a positive difference to all when these transitions take place.

Katie Rose & Emma



I come from a creative background with a deep interest in accessing an inner connection with life through being more present during difficult transitions and the concept of death. I have worked in hospices with patients at end of life as well as private clients and am a mentor to working doulas in the community. This was such an honour and gave me invaluable insight and death bed clarity which I took into my life. 

The most difficult endings in my life such as loss of relationships, loved ones, miscarriage and birth trauma have really taught me about resilience, surrender and trust. At these times when you fall apart you are about to discover who you really are and what you are really made of. The way you are in this world will be forever changed, here is where the painful magic happens and if we can support and connect with each other in times of transition then we have embraced the full human experience and to me, that is living. 


For me, seeing how the absence of an Advance Plan can cause stress and upset for a person and their loved ones at what is already a difficult time, inspired me to join Katie Rose in creating fin. With a background in health psychology, mental health and home care, along with my End of Life Doula work, I am passionate about providing people with the knowledge and tools they need to take ownership of their end of life. Whilst the timing and precise nature of our death is unknown to us, there are many aspects of our end of life which we can control. Endings matter, and through fin I hope to help people increase their chances of having an end of life which is meaningful to them.

fin was inspired by Kate Michelle Oxley who died October 9th 2007 at the age of 25 in an unforeseen accident. Kate was a beautiful soul and had a herculean sized heart and used to say that it often felt so full that it would burst. Her laughter was so big it seized you, picked you up and carried you away. Kate spoke to her best friend Lauren days before she died, purely by coincidence, about her life and if she were to die what her wishes would be. Here is Lauren, sharing this unique and special story that inspired fin.



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